Command Line Interface#

kfp-toolbox command can be used.

Global options#


kfp-toolbox --help

Show the installed version:

kfp-toolbox --version

kfp-toolbox submit#

submit subcommand submits pipeline jobs to the appropriate environment.

Vertex AI Pipelines#

To submit a job to Vertex AI Pipelines, a pipeline package must be created using the V2 compiler.

dsl-compile-v2 --py /path/to/ --function pipeline \
    --output ./pipeline.json

If an --endpoint option is not specified, the job is submitted to Vertex AI Pipelines.

kfp-toolbox submit -f ./pipeline.json

Kubeflow Pipelines#

To submit a job to Kubeflow Pipelines, a pipeline package must be created using the V1 compiler with V2_COMPATIBLE mode.

dsl-compile --py /path/to/ --function pipeline \
    --output ./pipeline.yaml \
    --mode V2_COMPATIBLE

If an --endpoint option is specified, the job is submitted to Kubeflow Pipelines pointed to by that endpoint.

kfp-toolbox submit -f ./pipeline.yaml --endpoint http://localhost:8080

Pipeline parameters#

Pipeline parameters can be specified after a double dash (--).

kfp-toolbox submit -f ./pipeline.json -- \
    --parameter-name value \
    --another-parameter-name another_value

Pipeline parameters defined in the pipeline package can be viewed by specifying --help option.

kfp-toolbox submit -f ./pipeline.json --help